Category: Uncategorized
Mastering communication: A colourful guide to understanding others and building a successful team
So, I’ve recently read a book which you may have heard of — Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each in Business (and in Life) by Thomas Erikson. In summary, it’s about understanding different personality types and improving communication with others. The author explains how understanding…
The power of loss aversion: Why we’re driven by the fear of losing more than the desire to gain
Loss aversion refers to a cognitive bias where the emotional impact of losing something is stronger than the satisfaction gained from acquiring the same thing. In other words, the pain experienced from a loss, whether it’s monetary or any other valuable possession, can outweigh the pleasure derived from gaining that same item. A bit of…
The power of imperfection: Exploring the Pratfall Effect in marketing
Can spilling coffee, stubbing your toe, or falling down in public ever be advantageous? According to social psychology, these clumsy mistakes, known as the Pratfall Effect, can often provide individuals with unexpected advantages. This phenomenon suggests that when brands (or individuals) make minor mistakes or exhibit vulnerability, it can paradoxically increase their attractiveness and likability.…
Amazon’s tools: One Pager, Six Pager, and Backwards Press Release
This article discusses some aspects of Amazon, highlighting certain ideas and approaches that I found to be interesting (which does not necessarily represent an overall positive sentiment towards the company as a whole). The purpose of this article is to explore specific strategies employed by Amazon, acknowledging their potential value in the realm of business…
How to (not) resist change: Personal and organizational perspectives
Change is frequently discussed in the context of organizational development and change management, but it is important to acknowledge that people also resist change at a personal level. Considering the challenges faced on an individual level, it becomes evident that managing change at an organizational level is even more complex. Understanding the reasons behind this…
Procrastination: The what, the why and the how
Although procrastination is not a directly business-related topic, I recently gave a short lecture on it so I would like to share some interesting facts with you as well. Procrastination of important things and obligations does not necessarily have to be related to business, but as it permeates our private life, it often affects our…